Michael Frye

Michael Frye

Founder, BigPicture
11 points
All activity
Michael Frye
Disclaimer: Okay, we didn't comb through every dataset out there to verify that ours is the world's largest, but we did our research, and we're pretty sure it might be. If you are a data scientist, researcher, or work in B2B, this is an invaluable resource.
World's Largest Free Company Dataset
World's Largest Free Company Dataset
15M+ global companies at your fingertips
Michael Frye

Managing visitor consent on your website is a pain. After building a tool for our own site, we'd decided to share what we've learned and offer it as a feature of our product.

Everything is customizable and managed via a point and click interface.

GDPR Website Consent Tool
GDPR Website Consent Tool
Simple visitor consent for your website.
Michael Frye
Open-Source Email Finder
Open-Source Email Finder
Find anyone's email for free.
Michael Frye
Michael Frye
left a comment
Very cool idea. I love the landing page too!
Easy-to-learn JS graphic framework
Michael Frye
Big Picture Intel
Big Picture Intel
Identify your anonymous visitors
Michael Frye
Michael Frye
left a comment
Great review. Very thorough.
The State Of JavaScript Survey
The State Of JavaScript Survey
Discover which JavaScript libraries are the most popular
Michael Frye
Michael Frye
left a comment
Very cool. I'll have to remember this next time I need that functionality.
Algolia Places
Algolia Places
Intelligent address autocomplete for any <input>