I use it daily to track my fasts. At first, I didn't have the reflex to use it but after a few days, it became automatic. Now I'm excited to see my progress and it motivates me to keep going.
Thanks for a Zero has been a great app from the start, the added features will be a great way to keep up with the fasting and learn some new things along the way.
Used off and on for the past two years, but finally committed to daily 16 hour fasts in December. This completely changed my day to day life (in addition to switching from coffee to tea and cutting most processed foods from diet).
Been using 2.0 for over a year and have absolutely loved it even before this update. While the previous build was simple and useful it was lacking in features but was also free so it was understandable. This update fills in any gaps I had before while still maintaining the insane FREE price tag. Thank you, Kevin Rose, for not capitalizing off the wellness of human beings with your suite of apps like Zero and Oak.