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    The best pair programming tool for macOS and Windows
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    What do people think of Tuple?

    The community submitted 22 reviews to tell us what they like about Tuple, what Tuple can do better, and more.
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    22 Reviews
    Kristin Zinser

    Engineering at Chameleon

    7 reviews
    I use Tuple every week to pair with engineers that are in completely different countries and don't tend to have any issues with screen sharing or discussing ideas! I love how simple the tool is too - it allows for simplicity while pairing.
    Daniel Jacob Archer
    Director of Engineering at Ritual.com
    5 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Tuple
    We've been using Tuple at Ritual, and have definitely found that it's the best pair programming tool out there. Extremely low latency, and easy collaboration tools + Slack integration.
    Zach Sherman
    Cofounder, Timber.io
    4 reviews
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    Review of Tuple
    I'm a massive fan of Tuple, what the team has done with regard to performance is incredible and we use it on a daily basis to collaborate on code, design and much more as a remote team. Keep up the great work!
    Tim Diggins
    Technologist, Red56
    1 review
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    Review of Tuple
    I use this every day with a remote colleague. It's very easy to jump on a call, so there's no impedance against actually looking at code rather than talking / typing about it. Plus it's so much easier to pair than when sitting at the same computer. We haven't tupled when we're colocated, but we might try this (interesting to know if other people tuple locally). We are big fans
    Kunal Bhatia
    design @mercury
    33 reviews
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    Review of Tuple
    Jonathan Simmons
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Tuple
    The tuple team are building an amazing product! Tuple is the best screen sharing / pair programming tools I've ever used. One of my favorite things as a customer is how engaged they are with their customer base. The Tuple team and leadership really listen and improve the product in ways that translate to an enhanced experience as a customer.
    Joseph Finlayson
    2 reviews
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    Review of Tuple
    I really like using Tuple! It's also been great for coding interviews with people who are not in my country.
    Jacob Elder
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Tuple
    My mostly remote team has been using Tuple since the private beta days. They really nailed the experience: zero friction to set up pairing sessions, very low latency, and just enough UI to get work done. It's actually better than pairing in person I think.
    Geoff Harcourt
    CTO @ CommonLit
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Tuple
    Our engineering team at CommonLit has been using Tuple to allow people to work out of the office more flexibly and Tuple has really reduced the friction and allowed us to maintain our aspirational level of pairing even when we're all not co-located. We had a team member in Europe for several weeks and it was smooth working with them there too. Product works really well and it seems like it's on a good trajectory.
    Brendan Buckingham
    Web Developer
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Tuple
    Great product, been using it for several months now with my remote dev team and can't imagine going back to anything else. Keep up the good work!