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  • Swipes

    Stay on top of your projects with weekly planning.
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    What do people think of Swipes?

    The community submitted 41 reviews to tell us what they like about Swipes, what Swipes can do better, and more.
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    41 Reviews
    Dustin W. Stout
    Entrepreneur, visual marketing, coffee.
    5 reviews
    Reviewed this product

    I was part of the beta testing for what seems like well over a year. Up until it changed so drastically to this current iteration, I was 100% on board. The UI/UX is best in class, but I was totally lost on the project management language being used. It really feels like it's trying too hard to be "different" and thereby sacrificing the ability for people used to working with project management tools/apps to quickly onboard this new way of looking at things.

    If it were just as simple as creating projects with Tasks and sub-tasks, it would have been a no-brainer. For example:

    - Project

    -- Task

    --- Sub-task

    --- Sub-task

    --- Sub-task

    -- Task

    -- Task

    But instead what we're given are "Plan", "Goals", "Steps", "Milestones"... just feels both overly complex and linguistically unintuitive.

    As I look at this new iteration, it seems that there is an attempt to help this language gap with the onboarding (visual guide).

    It's still just too complicated, taking too many clicks to dig down into the tasks that need to be done today.

    I'm also surprised to see there's no way to add dates or deadlines to items. Am I missing something?

    I hate to be negative--especially on a piece of software that looks better than any other piece of software I've ever seen (and I don't say that lightly).

    At the end of the day, the language choices just didn't make sense to me and I had to abandon it because trying to train myself and my team (US-based) to adjust to this different linguistic choices was too complicated.

    Alexander Sumin
    CMO, Co-founder, ClaimCompass
    3 reviews
    Recommended this product

    Love everything about Swipes

    Burak Can
    Burak Can
    1 review
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    Great job! Love how simple and powerful it is at the same time. And the design is just delightful.

    Recommended this product
    Ilia Markov
    Content Marketing Manager @ ChartMogul
    3 reviews
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    Steve Elder
    1 review
    Recommended this product

    I beta tested Swipes Workspace. The app went through several iterations, each one better than the last. The customer support from Team Swipes is amazing and they are constantly updating their app.

    Ivaylo Yosifov
    Co Founder at CoolApps Ltd.
    3 reviews
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    Good luck guys, keep up the hard work.

    Ken Daley
    Ken Daley
    1 review
    Recommended this product

    Been a beta user since August. Have used the original Swipes for a couple of years. The team did a great job in beta flushing out bugs and making the product very user friendly. We have about 15 on our team using. Slow for all to adapt. Several use it often - we are still working to make it a common platform.

    Pablo VL
    Pablo VL
    1 review
    Recommended this product

    I've been using Swipes personal on a daily basis and now that I participated in the alpha/beta of the new Swipes Workspace I can tell you this one is a the real deal

    Zdravko Varbanov
    Class of 2020 @ Minerva Schools
    1 review
    Recommended this product

    So excited for all the work I will do with this platform!
