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  • Kaapi

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    What do people think of Kaapi?

    The community submitted 38 reviews to tell us what they like about Kaapi, what Kaapi can do better, and more.
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    4.7/5All time (0 reviews)
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    38 Reviews
    Andrii Bas
    Co-founder @ Sommo, Uptech, Plai
    100 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Kaapi
    Very cool and useful product! Love it's simplicity and power!
    Nirant Kasliwal
    Maker, Engineer, <3 from India
    8 reviews
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    Review of Kaapi
    This nifty Slack integration is easy to use and setup @adityarao310 is super-prompt and responsive if something goes awry! Much <3 -- do give Kaapi a try!
    Product Guy
    2 reviews
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    Review of Kaapi
    Inspiring to witness your journey from being a marketer to a self-taught indie developer, all in just under a year. More power to you and Kaapi!!
    feminism & sharks
    Front-end lead
    2 reviews
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    Review of Kaapi
    In a world of one-size-fits-all Slackbots, I was delighted to find Kaapi to help make my team's asynchronous standup more straightforward for engineers and more useful for the product team that depends on those updates. Using Kaapi, it's super easy to identify blocked teammates and know if we're going to reach our sprint goals. Kappi is highly customizable and built by an engaged, caring team. While I originally was looking for a simple standup bot, with the watercooler convo starters and the feedback surveys, I've gotten a tool that does so much more to empower our remote team. 💙
    Recommended this product
    Review of Kaapi
    This looks promising! @adityarao310 Just installed on our Slack channel, looking forward to the awesomeness.
    Mohammad Azeem
    I ask nothing but for wishes
    2 reviews
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    Review of Kaapi
    I have been using Kaapi for last 5 weeks. It has done wonders for me. I don't have to actively think about what my teammates are thinking. Kaapi takes away all my pain and solves the problems (morale, pulse of the team, and others) that I didn't know exited even!
    Tejas Kinger
    PMM @ Plum | Prev. @ Freshworks Hiver
    20 reviews
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    Review of Kaapi
    Looking for Impact and Disturbance
    38 reviews
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    Review of Kaapi
    Praveen Singh

    Co-founder at FOF

    12 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Kaapi
    Andrii Bas
    Co-founder @ Sommo, Uptech, Plai
    100 reviews
    Recommended this product