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  • Envision | Sponsorship

    Envision | Sponsorship

    An initiative to empower visually impaired people in need
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    What do people think of Envision | Sponsorship?

    The community submitted 14 reviews to tell us what they like about Envision | Sponsorship, what Envision | Sponsorship can do better, and more.
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    14 Reviews
    Hardik Parmar
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    As a designer, I really love how this product has evolved from its very successful digital app version to physical product-glasses. From usability point of view it would be a great tool for visually impaired people to be more independent in their personal and professional lives.
    Benjamin Hofer
    1 review
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    As a user of the Envision AI app, I'm very happy to see the glasses coming out and I'm personally hoping that many app developers will use them as a plattform. Especially I think of Be My Eyes, Aira but also many other assistive apps out there. The glasses can be a real benefit and the best thing is you can try out the Envision app and you will know what you'll get on the glasses. Ben from Germany.
    Vinay Bhajantri
    Design engineer
    1 review
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    I have been in touch with the development of this product for quite sometime now. Really admire the importance given to user experience right from the start. Great job Envision!

    caryn werner
    co-founder of KOYA
    24 reviews
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    This is a really great idea!!! WOW!
    Kshitij Aggarwal
    Android @ Envision
    1 review
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    Jesse Wienholts
    1 review
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    Mahdi Pourismaiel
    FrontEnd Developer
    1 review
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    Sustainable Sales Sounds Specialist
    1 review
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    Grayson Dawdy
    1 review
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    Yury Makarov
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Awesome idea and mission! Good luck!