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    What do people think of CloudFuse?

    The community submitted 21 reviews to tell us what they like about CloudFuse, what CloudFuse can do better, and more.
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    21 Reviews
    Aly Madhavji 穆亚霖
    Managing Partner | BlockchainFF
    3 reviews
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    This is gamechanging and closed-economy currencies will become a much bigger focus over the coming years.
    Denis Shepherd
    Craftwork CEO & Product Designer
    68 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Fuse Studio
    Gerald Hussein
    1 review
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Power your grassroot communities and help them defend themselves from being co-opted by powerful outside sources when they start showing signs of success.. 1) Create economic incentives aligned with your community values 2) Connect with other aligned organisations in your area 3) Create a more circular economy, keeping more value circulating around members 4) Reward value creators according to their contribution. Built in Reputation system. 5) Governance by engaged community members 6) Allow people to opt in and out of the community without losing their contribution 7) Cost effective - best deal on the market for such services 8) Accessibility - Low barrier to entry. Anyone can do this! 9) Trusted network - Transparency, transparency, transparency Been waiting for something like this to emerge from the blockchain space. Great work and vision FUSE team! Excited!
    1 review
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Really exciting product where technical crypto is abstracted, so users can easily create a complete functioning financial community for very low $ costs - think Wix for Wallets! Everything is open source (Wallet, Studio,APIs etc), so remains free for all time, and transactions on the network are limited to a maximum fee of $0.01, although most will be off chain in the future, so even cheaper/no cost. Fuse really is the doorway for anyone, in any country, to quickly, cheaply and effectively democratise finance and open opportunities for all.
    Misha Dub
    Misha Dub
    2 reviews
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Simplicity of use and crypto rarely coexist, and Fuse feels like one of these rare examples. Would love to see more use cases, looks like a scalable solution!
    Hendrik John
    1 review
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Great concept and execution, this wouldn't be possible until now with the proper implementation of distributed ledger technology.
    Mikey Ben-Chetrit
    1 review
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Just played around with the studio. This is very cool! Can you share more about some of the communities that have been launched?
    miguel prados rodriguez
    2 reviews
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Create economies with DeFi powers within communities in a few clicks
    1 review
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    Review of Fuse Studio
    Susana Quispe
    1 review
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    Review of Fuse Studio