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  • Clerk - SMS for Slack

    Clerk - SMS for Slack

    Send and receive SMS in Slack
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    What do people think of Clerk - SMS for Slack?

    The community submitted 121 reviews to tell us what they like about Clerk - SMS for Slack, what Clerk - SMS for Slack can do better, and more.
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    3.3/5All time (2 reviews)
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    121 Reviews
    Firas Abilmona
    Founder of I Create And Manage
    1 review
    A very bad start for me here. I met with the manager a while ago and talked about adding this service to my services. It took me a while to make things happen. I signed for it today even after finding out that they updated their prices and policies and the current deal turned to table for me. They offered a discount for good faith and made the deal. The platform didn't work and I wasn't able to send texts. After waiting on the chat for hours to get someone to help, finally I got a response just before the end of the day. Their support representative just disappeared at the end of his shift leaving me hanging with no solution. I waited for more than an hour and a half while they say that the reply immediately. After I paid for my unlimited plan they left me without a solution. This is definitely not a good support.
    Psychic Sheela
    Life Coach and Psychic.
    1 review
    It's a good product but not 100% perfect. There are glitches and it's difficult to integrate.
    Ben Libor
    Ben Libor
    Building something new
    13 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Clerk Chat
    All the best to Clerk. But rethink your marketing strategy. I received spam, you're ignoring the rules, guys. No good idea for a young company
    Product Growth
    80 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Love the new version! It's great to be able to send SMS directly from a channel within Slack!
    Maryam Sabour
    Founder, Step Into My World
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Clerk Chat
    Super easy to use! Streamlines messaging so it can all happen from one place and the add-on features are great. Highly recommend (especially since it’s much cheaper than any alternative)!
    Dennis Caplun
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Clerk Chat
    The program works fine and easy, and if you have any questions the helpdesk really helps you well. I would recommend Clerk to anyone! The best part, it really improves your sales!
    Tim Lynch
    Tim Lynch
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Clerk Chat
    We are launching a new service this week and to give site visitors the ability with one click to start an SMS conversation with us is good. To have it go into a Slack channel is Awesome!
    Alexander Haque
    Maker / Hunter
    8 reviews
    Recommended this product
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    Alexander Haque
    Maker / Hunter
    8 reviews
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    Review of Slack MFA
    Alexander Haque
    Maker / Hunter
    8 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Clerk Chat