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  • Claude by Anthropic

    Claude by Anthropic

    A family of foundational AI models
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    Do you use Claude by Anthropic?
    What is Claude by Anthropic?
    We're an AI research company that builds reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems. Our first product is Claude, an AI assistant for tasks at any scale.
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    Maker shoutouts
    Thank you to Claude 3.5 for providing us with stable and powerful foundational support, which has laid a solid foundation for our design work.
    We use Claude as an endpoint in our team builder flow; you can combine this model with all available models.
    Why use one brain when you could use many? Claude and OpenAI together make our app consistently more intelligent.
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    Recent launches

    Claude Android app
    The new Claude Android app brings the power of Claude—including our most powerful model, Claude 3.5 Sonnet—to Android users. The app is free and accessible with all plans, including Pro and Team.
    Claude Android app image
    Claude Projects
    Claude Pro and Team users can now organize chats into shareable Projects. Projects bring together internal knowledge and chat activity in one place. You can also set custom instructions within each project to further tailor Claude's responses.
    Claude Projects image
    5 more launches