Working on a voice translation app 😱

Gio Kakhiani
19 replies
Working on a voice translation app that I'll be demo-ing tomorrow. 😎 Last week I've decided to switch up my role completely. Instead of freelancer I wanna pursue the path of a Youtuber. 😱 It should enable me to live my dream of building products without worrying about turning them into businesses. I'll be trying to document the product development roadmap from idea to functional product. Should be fun to watch. If you're not already, please, support me by subscribing to my Youtube channel πŸ‘‡


Jessica Ebden
Congratulations on your voice translation app! For success, focus on robust speech recognition, efficient translation algorithms, and a user-friendly interface. Good luck!
Jofra G
That sounds like an exciting journey! Best of luck with your voice translation app demo and your new role as a YouTuber. Subscribed to your channel and looking forward to following your product development journey! πŸš€
Hassan Sajjad
Sending you all the best and positive vibes for your journey! Believe in yourself, stay focused, and remember, the possibilities are endless with this kind of innovation.
Dmytro Semyrian
That's awesome that you're working on a voice translation app! It sounds like a really interesting project. Have you thought about what languages the app will support? I'm also curious to know what inspired you to switch from being a freelancer to pursuing a career as a YouTuber? Wishing you all the best with your product development journey!
Oliver Thomes
That's awesome that you're working on a voice translation app! It sounds like a really interesting project. Have you thought about what languages the app will support? I'm also curious to know what inspired you to switch from being a freelancer to pursuing a career as a YouTuber? Wishing you all the best with your product development journey!
Oisin O'Reilly
That sounds like an exciting project! Developing a voice translation app can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. If you have any specific questions or need guidance on certain aspects of your project, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
Richard B. Bautista
That's amazing! Breaking down language barriers is such a noble goal, and I'm thrilled you're tackling it through a voice translation app.
Rose C. Goldsmith
Wow, what a powerful project! Imagine connecting people across cultures and languages seamlessly. Your app has the potential to make a real difference in the world.
Launching soon!
sound good. congratulations
sheik born
Keep pushing the boundaries, and don't give up on your vision! The world needs more passionate individuals like you creating tools that break down barriers and foster understanding.
thomas bond
This app has the potential to impact countless lives! Imagine travelers exploring new cultures, businesses reaching new markets, and families overcoming language barriers. What an incredible thing to be a part of.
thomas jack
Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Enjoy the process of building your app, learn from the challenges, and celebrate every milestone along the way.
William Woods
Be proud of yourself! This is a huge undertaking, and your commitment to bringing your vision to life is truly inspiring
I'm rooting for you every step of the way! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need support or feedback. We're all in this together.
Aarav Krishna
That sounds incredibly exciting! Developing a voice translation app can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Are you looking for advice, information, or assistance with any particular aspect of creating your app? Whether it's about the technology, user experience, languages supported, or anything else, I'm here to help!
Sunil Ayar
That's awesome that you're working on a voice translation app! It sounds like a really interesting project. Have you thought about what languages the app will support? I'm also curious to know what inspired you to switch from being a freelancer to pursuing a career as a YouTuber? Wishing you all the best with your product development journey!
Maria Kovach
Sound great. Good luck !!!