Who’s your favorite podcast host?

Sharath Kuruganty
6 replies
Bonus points if you post which episode you like the most!


Adi Bhatnagar
Masters of Scale Podcast both Reid Hoffman and Bob Safian - https://mastersofscale.com/satya...
tree lemon
thank you for the information!
Sameen Ahmed
Shane Parrish - The knowledge Project , here is my favourite episode with Naval - https://open.spotify.com/episode...
Rich Watson
joe rogan of course.
Jameson Ian
Phoebe Judge… Criminal and This is Love. She has an amazing voice, asks fantastic questions and always has fascinating topics. Regards: Knifeplatoon
Quinton Mauricio
There are so many talented podcast hosts out there, each with their unique style and content. It really depends on the subject matter and my interests at a given time. Whether it's science, history, comedy, or any other topic, I enjoy exploring different podcasts and discovering engaging hosts who can make the content come alive. best paintball mask