What's your go-to strategy for making a compelling video in a short amount of time?

Mitesh Rajpure
17 replies


David Cagigas
I think having a structure helps a lot. A script and ideas about what you want to communicate to what audience helps a lot.
Irina Haupt
My top three: - Be authentic. - Say/show something in the first 3 seconds of your video that your audience can fully relate to, making them stop what they are doing and watch. - Leverage trending audio.
Rakshith Ravi
@irina_haupt Love this! Thanks for sharing. Quick question though - where do you get trending audio from?
Irina Haupt
@_rakshithravi_ Between us? I usually check the newest dance videos on TikTok. But shhh :D
Mirena Vasileva
• Hook viewers in the first 3/5 seconds • Be very specific with what your video is all about • Don't be afraid to provide value • Be yourself • Put your blinders on - in other words, don't compare yourself to others :)
Mitchell Sanders
My major tactic is to provide an engaging narrative that is easy to follow and keeps the reader's interest from the start.
Shaifali Mehta
Keep it simple. Clear and concise messaging. Adding Human element helps a lot. Don’t worry about going perfect. Just draft a concept, shoot on phone and edit on a easy online tool like illusto.com Easy peasy!!