What’s your favourite free screen/webcam recorder?

Bud Broesky
11 replies
I’ve been using Screenity up until recently - been having tons of issues with it corrupting saved files and not downloading more than a few seconds, wasting hours of recorded and re-recorded content. I’m curious what everyone else uses! I’m willing to pay, however I prefer free open-source tools (extensions or standalone apps are good with me). Ideally looking for: screen and webcam simultaneous recordings, no record time limit, and easy downloads to mp4. Thanks in advance!


Navin Peiris
Been playing with https://www.screen.studio and it’s been awesome, might be worth a try
Bud Broesky
@navinpeiris also side note - congrats on being pre 1m users… i believe i have an account somewhere from a while back that’s either pre-1m or just after 1m, however i cannot remember which email it’s attached to…
Bud Broesky
@navinpeiris just so you know - ive already purchased this… i love me lifetime deals and this looks incredible!
Navin Peiris
@budb very nice! Just to clarify, I’m not involved with the product in any way other than being a huge fan. This is by @pie6k
Ekrem Çetinkaya
@navinpeiris second this. It does everything right
Bud Broesky
@navinpeiris oooh will give this a shot!!
Gloria Russell
OBS Studio is my personal favorite for free screen and webcam recording. It is open-source and has several strong features, including the capacity to simultaneously record numerous sources and add personalized overlays and transitions.
Bud Broesky
@glowrussell I love OBS too! It’s a massive draw on my computer performance opposed some lightweight options but I’ve been using it as a backup at the moment until I can find something a bit faster.
Pradeep Kumar M
I use a Vmaker screen recorder for both webcam and screen recording.
Saravanan P
My favorite tool is Vmaker Screen and Webcam Recorder.
Hi, I used to use bandicam, but in my opinion it is already outdated, and the functionality is no longer enough. I've found several other ways to record the screen on a mac with audio thanks https://www.movavi.com/support/h... and I want to try to use them all to choose the most optimal one for me. As soon as I do this, I will add my comment and tell you which one is the best.