What's a recent discovery or invention that excites you?

Michael Moore
12 replies
The development of mRNA vaccines, like the ones for COVID-19, excites me. Their potential for combating various diseases marks a significant leap in medical innovation and could revolutionize how we approach healthcare.


André J
Launching soon!
ai pin 😅
Daniel Zaitzow
@sentry_co I still don't entirely understand the use case when you have a phone but people seem excited about it.
André J
Launching soon!
@dzaitzow I think we use a screen because computers are bad at conveying information efficiently. I think when you add AI that understands context, then you dont need a screen anymore.
Not new, but best invention ever was the Big Mac from McDonald’s
Elena Tsemirava
Developments in the thermonuclear field. It sounds promising.
Grok by xAI Corp :D
Weston Skipworth
mRNA vaccines have revolutionized the way we prevent infectious diseases. They are safe, effective, and can be quickly developed to target new pathogens.
jon poppins
CRISPR gene editing technology has the potential to cure genetic diseases, improve crop yields, and even create new forms of life. Amazing nah!
Tara Fitzgerald
AI is rapidly transforming many industries, from healthcare to transportation to manufacturing. It has the potential to solve some of the world's biggest problems, such as climate change and poverty.
Lenny Jean
Quantum computing, this emerging technology has the potential to revolutionize many fields, including cryptography, drug discovery, and materials science.
I found that Elon Musk is right about his words that the world is truly a grandiose farce.