What kind of music do you listen to when you work?

45 replies
I use Apple Music and their official "Office Playlist" is consisted of mainly bubbly pop tracks, which made me question what you guys listen👂 to when you work 🎧 🎵 I'm not a big fan of pop when I work. I find the lyrics too distracting. I normally go for slow-tempo, chill house music 🎶


Doğukan Tezcan
I like to listen to rap, it feels energetic
@dogukan_tezcan Central Cee has been my most recent favorite rapper! Do you have any artist recommendations?
Doğukan Tezcan
@mycelebs_elle I can recommend Turkish rapper Sagopa :)
Jihee Choi
I usually use YouTube music and enjoy calm music🎶. But I often work without listening to music. :)
@jihee7 what type of calm music do you listen to? any artist recommendations?
Carson Cohen
@jihee7 @mycelebs_elle Heavy metal rock when building Fusion. Just kidding. Fusion is an AI-powered prompt-engineering software that renders enhanced GPT prompts. 🤖 Utilizing the power of Open AI's GPT technology, Fusion generates unique and creative prompts to help you yield higher-quality content. 🔥 Check it out on PH! producthunt.com/products/fusionai-2
Sunny Kumar
I mostly listen to Pop music. Enrique, Billie eilish.
@sunny_sogra Billie Eilish's mellow melodies are definitely work appropriate.. 👏🏼
Jason Andries
I love to mix it up throughout the day. I usually start with something slow and vibey in the morning and get more 'aggressive' towards the afternoon when I get my afternoon dip.
@jason_andries1 HAHAHA i can totally relate. What is AGGRESSIVE for you?! (i've been going trance aggressive thee days lol)
Jason Andries
@mycelebs_elle I like angry rap/hip-hop when I need motivation or energy haha. I like reggaeton or dance hall mixes as well in the afternoon because they give me a lot of energy
It depends on the day, usually i prefer chill music but other day in the office i listened to whole Backstreet boys dischography 😅
@sandradjajic I love it when they go "Am I sexual? 🎶 Yeah-ahhhh 🎵 "
@mycelebs_elle yees haha, but tik tok kinda ruined it for me :D
Vadim Voronovskiy
Ohh, Only hardcore:) metalcore, post-hardcore, and related genres!🤘
@vadim_voronovskiy1 Really?! Wow you must have some really energetic marketing outputs from that.
Vadim Voronovskiy
@mycelebs_elle I, in general, have a lot of energy. I am addicted from music:) especially hard)
John Koo
Lofi. Lofi jazz or lofi hiphop. All the way.🤘
@imjohnkoo any lofi hip-hop playlist recommendations?
I see my teammates aslo listening the music, but as for me - I can't 😁 I do not feel dedicated then. Music makes me dive into it 😃
@oxana_ivanova Yes, I feel you. Sometimes, the sound of typing, teammates discussing, papers turning is the best music to work with
Mehran Najafi
432 hz tibetan bowls :)
@mehran_najafi thank you for introducing me to this fresh, calming sound..
@sergeypotikhanov Old MGK (hip-hop) or New MGK (punk) ?
Sergey Potikhanov
@mycelebs_elle Bloom and everything that is after. So both
Kayla MacNeil
I have an electronic chill wave playlist I listen to - gets my mind calm and in the groove to work.
@kayla_macneil We should all share our Spotifys here or something. Electric chill wave... Mmmm.. ☺️ 🌊
Richard Gao
My playlist is entirely from youtube and they're all random songs haha
@richard_gao2 Lol I guess the YouTube algorithm doesn't disappoint!
@biglysales Oh, I love Jazz too! ❤️
Youtube playlist :) I normally listen 3hour lofi hiphop mix
@joy_eom What happens after 3 hours? haha
@mycelebs_elle something different not paying attention ;)
Neal Woolery
When I'm working, I usually listen to instrumental music or playlists with minimal lyrics to help me stay focused. Classical music, jazz, and lo-fi hip hop are some of my favorites.
@nealwoolery Yeah, lyrics are so distracting for me when I work too..
@kashaf_irfan Work is so exciting soothing music can’t soothe me!