What is your weekend routine?

Anil Matcha
27 replies


Rob Martinez
Anything that needs heads-down focus. I'm most productive on weekends.
Cyril Gupta
I like coding on weekends.
I am focusing on the successful launch of my product
Tim Boulay
Laydown on the ground and thinks about how to improve my product
This Weekend Learning Bubble & Shoot & Edit Content for Next Week, Eod Hiking + Camping & Chill
Artyom Shimanski
This weekend I am actively fighting against fraud in Stripe :(
Almost the same as a working day) baby sitting + work)
Shachar Keidar
Weekend is my time to rest so no routines :)
Anna Kasumova
Cleaning house, cooking, visiting parents
Deluar Hosain
planning for a new agency :) through that helping you for getting more sales from your social media and creative email marketing funnel!!
Jai Singhal
Usually starts my day with a meditation, yoga session and a breakfast of fruits to prepare for a long day of feature building at Hansei.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
During weekendas I let myself 'flow' and do what I feel contrary to fixed routine during the weekdays. I use it for creative work where I have no time pressure, learning, rest if I need, nature walks, having freshly brewed coffee in cafe and other activities that make me feel great.
Andrew Diete-Koki
Watching movies, resting and working on side projects.
Nick Anisimov
Family business, product hunt, sleeping and resting.
Taking my dog to a park (weekdays are too busy), cleaning the house, and dating my wife. Spending evenings at home during weekends is forbidden😁 In a nutshell, I try to make the most of the weekends so that these two short days are more eventful than the whole week. It helps to refresh the body and restore strength and enthusiasm for work.
Frank Nguyen | Afforai
Wake up a bit later but still checking on the market and preparing materials for marketing in the coming weeks of our products.
Rina Lia
Going out to new city
Eden Wheeler
This weekend I will be joining a DevOps Training. I am really excited about this training.