What is your home office must have related to the setup?

Marvin Mändle
20 replies
For myself it's a height adjustable desk and a second screen.


Curtis Chou
A window and fresh air is crucial to my home office space! What about you Marvin?
Martin Schumacher
@curtischou fresh air is awesome. When I arrive in the office I always open windows first, prepare my coffee/tea and close the window again.
Marvin Mändle
@curtischou Good points, I also need a window, daylight and fresh air. For myself is also a height adjustable desk super important. I really like to stand up during meetings.
Curtis Chou
@mighty_muddy Nice!! Are you more a coffee or tea person?
Paolo Go
A good office chair that allows me to work comfortably, a mouse (I’m old school) and a tea kettle
Marvin Mändle
@access24 I prefer coffee but I agree with your must haves. A good Chair is so important. I actually use a gaming chair, really like it.
Martin Schumacher
Most important for me is my gaming chair and at least 2-3 even screens. But the amount of screens has no cap. And of course the coffee machine.
Marvin Mändle
@mighty_muddy I have a gaming chair too and love it. Screens are also super important. My coffee machine is in the kitchen and I like to go down the stairs and get a new one. These 3 minutes are super to refresh my brain.
Viola Schoell
Launching soon!
A second screen and a comfortable office chair.
Marvin Mändle
@viola_s yes these are the essentials. I like my gaming chair and can sit there all day long!
Viola Schoell
Launching soon!
@marvin_maendle Gaming chairs are really comfortable. I had one in my old apartment.
Justin Rhodes-Harrison
Good natural light, a proper chair and ensuring your screen is at the right height