What is you favorite to-do list app?

Jose Rodríguez
35 replies
A list of top to-do list apps are here: https://productivity.directory/c...


Started using Taskito. So far so good.
Notes app on my mac. I have it always pinned on my dock - whenever there is a to do item on my mind - I simply open it and make a note of it
@stan8086 that's all you need tbh. if you're using a mac, it's just there on the screen few clicks away. Dont see a point in overloading with too many applications
Maurizio Isendoorn
I use the boards in Notion to create the Getting Things Done framework!
Google sheet is my favorite to list anything. Its available online and offline and our data in google sheets saved life time.
Jose Rodríguez
@william345 isn't it a little hard to manage?
Yami Sun
Launching soon!
I don't usually have a to-do list unless I'm in the company. Product Hunt launch is my to-do. We're launching "Cascad3 - A decentralized inspiration-driven publishing platform" on Product Hunt soon. Let's collaborate! I would appreciate your support and feedback by clicking the "Notify Me" button to stay tuned when Cascad3 hits the stage👇 producthunt.com/products/cascad3 Thank you! Best regards, Yami
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Notion, I like to have everything in one place
Ted Schaefer
Apple Reminders 😂
Vaibhav is SelfTalk.ing
Can I be honest here? Nothing beats the stock notes app or the stickies!
Aristo Coutinho
Notes app in my mobile
Marvin Mändle
I just use my paper notebook or notes on my mac.
Hassan Shah
i use sticky notes !!!
Viola Schoell
Launching soon!
Apple Reminders and notes
Ben Tezcan
check mine. theready.app
Siri Nana
Trello: Utilizes a card-based system for task management, making it ideal for visual thinkers and those who prefer a more flexible approach to organizing tasks.
Daria R.
I use Flowlu for work-related stuff and iOS notes for personal things.
Ricardo Batista
Google Tasks, but might move to Notes.