What is the most unexpected cost of your business running?

Morgan Kung
7 replies
Starting a startup is an exciting venture, but there always some unexpected costs come up. To be honest, before I started Gemoo.com, I never thought collaboration tools, video creation, research, website Avatars and team expansion would cost me so much money. Sharing your most unexpected cost and give new startups a "preview’.


Morgan Kung
Like to know more details of my most 5 unexpected costs of the startup journey, please check my blog post here: https://gemoo.com/blog/unexpecte...
André J
Launching soon!
Abusive platform price lockins. Tech agnostic solutions only from here on out.
Eva Maganja
so many little fees at every step I take haha
Wendy Olson
unexpected costs in business can arise from various factors such as changes in regulations, unforeseen market trends, or natural disasters. However, with a positive outlook and an adaptive mindset, businesses can find creative solutions to navigate these challenges and emerge stronger than before.
Morgan Kung
@porsha_wendy Yes, it reminds me of the epidemic lock down, which cause significant unexpected cost and hit a lot of companies at the time. Fortunately, my team worked remotely and was not affected a lot. That's how business is, we can only embrace change and grow stronger.
Banking fees, software licenses for basically everything and paywalls to overcome for most products.