What is the hardest part of planning your day?

Ayşegül Çorok
19 replies
Sometimes, we can't plan our days. Difficult tasks, little motivation, or insufficient time. So, we need to see our shortcomings in a space.


Rehan Saleem
I think Struggling to adapt and adjust plans when unexpected events or opportunities arise, making it challenging to maintain a structured schedule.
Don't sweat it, planning our days can be tough! Just remember to give yourself some grace and take it one task at a time. And if all else fails, just blame it on Mercury being in retrograde😉
Hai Nguyen
I think we should firstly have a purpose and then break it down to 5 year plan, 1 year plan,… Things will be much easier after that. If I don’t have it yet then finding my purpose will be my current purpose.
Hassan Muazzam
Prioritizing tasks is the biggest challenge in planning my day, but I've learned effective techniques to maximize productivity.
Igor Lysenko
I think the hardest part of planning a day is the day itself. I think it's so difficult to plan something from the weekend to Monday :)
Johnny Price
For me, the challenge is juggling multiple tasks without getting overwhelmed. Tools like Tech Evangelizer have been real lifesavers though, helping me prioritize and streamline tasks. Still, balancing immediate deadlines with long-term projects? That's a daily struggle. Can't really escape the productivity hustle in our line of work!
Dennis Zax
For me, it's deciding on what to start with. I usually have a bunch of tasks of pretty much equal priority that I need to get done and end up wasting a good chunk of time just on deciding which one to start with. The solution that ends up working for me is just putting all the tasks I need to get done in WheelDecide and choosing randomly :)
Alexey Anshakov
Do it without a system. Use ready-made developments like a second brain, and you won't have such a problem.
Ericka Gonzalez
Actually following the plan 🥲. What’s helped is making tasks small, so they are easier to get done.