What do you use for online meetings: zoom, Google mit, Skype or something else?

Ilya Melnikov
21 replies


Yaşar Öztürk
Skype and whatsapp is the best option for me
Rustam Eldarov
Google Meet, Zoom, MS Teams and even Slack. Personally, I prefer Google Meet.
@raycorp I also prefer Zoom and sometimes if necessary, Google Meet
Liza Karelina
I am using Zoom and Telegram
I used to use Skype exclusively before, but now I switched to Zoom. It seems to be more convenient in terms of interface.
Daniel Zaitzow
Google Meet / Zoom - Typically Google meet because its native in the Google Cal
Laura Warren
Google meet and slack🚀
Alexander Johann Eser
@millman, we are actually developing a solution to have more productive 1:1s and team meetings. Please check zipdo.co - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at ajeser[at]zipdo.co or join our waitlist :)
Ilya Melnikov
@alexander_johann_eser wow - interesting!) I will keep an eye on your product and maybe try it - the design is beautiful and the interface looks convenient
Saravanan P
I am using Google Meet for internal communication and Zoom for some external communication. Additionally, I am using the Vmaker Screen Recording Software to record all my meetings for future reference.