What do you think of the PH algorithms?

Mary Kh
8 replies
Hey Community! How're you doing? Have you ever experienced Product Hunt algorithms putting you at the bottom during lunch, to your mind, unfairly? Did you solve this problem or just put up with it? A couple of months ago, my team and I faced the same kind of issue. I've written about our experience, and you can read it here https://www.producthunt.com/disc....


Antonio Arts
At the start, it seems like nothing happening, but within a few hours of your product getting some traction it promotes it on top in the daily list and main product category list
Antonio Arts
@marynotj as I see it trying its best to promote your project
Mary Kh
@antonioarts or doesn't promote it on top in the daily list?
Wait, this thing has an algorithm? 🤯