What are your main challenges and pain points when doing Outbound sales?

Manuel Martínez-Arraya
7 replies
Hi Product Hunt! I'm building an outbound sales tool and currently exploring different areas in this vertical and wanted to ask: Top of mind, what are your 3 main pain points/challenges when doing outbound sales?


Abhishek Iyer
- Knowing and aligning the "top of mind" pain point of the prospect in the outreach messaging. - Knowing the prospect's decision-making influence - Bringing data in from the outbound prospecting tool into the rest of the GTM stack
André J
Launching soon!
Email spam filter issues. Gathering data at scale for free. Nothing stays the same, apis change end infra break down.
Manuel Martínez-Arraya
@sentry_co Thanks a lot! Are you having deliverability issues right now? What warmers did u use in the past?
Daniel Zaitzow
1. Finding prospects who are willing to pivot from current software 2. Keeping the pipeline full 3. Determining if its even worth having a sales led strategy or if we should lean into product led with more $ spent on marketing channels. What are yours?
Tomas Papazian
Hi Manu. Definitely losing time with leads that do not give you a response, or show interest but suddenly ghost you 🙃. Would love to connect and share some more value with you directly.