What are your goals for today?

Fabian Frank Werner
16 replies


Aristo Coutinho
doing my daily activity
Artyom Sviridov
Simply do the tasks I have for today :)
Jayden Jameson
I will prepare a plan to chieve my goals today
Andrew Noah
my first goals for today is work on my launch
Complete the landing page that I’m procrastinating on 😬 What’s yours Fabian?
Oliver Thomes
my goal for today is wash my dog
Jessica Herman
simpaly doing my task
Fitz Dupuy
working on a product is todays goal
Jeff Fajans
How do you identify which goals are most important?
Daniel Zaitzow
Streamline the challenge that we are using for our mailing list launch / rollout. Figure out exactly what we want people to create and how that will be of most value to them.
Carol Moh
Have at least one truly productive conversation that results in actionable outcomes which can be achieved next week!… This is harder than most people think 😅
Narendra Solanki
Today, I aim to answer questions accurately and with a bit of humour to brighten the day!