What are the best tools and ways to do A/B/split testing on website and product ?

Akshat Jain
12 replies
Whether it's to improve User Experience or to increase conversions, the most common method is via experimentations. What are the best practices and tools available for this ?


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Mayank Jain
Google optimize was one. But, it's getting discontinued. Would love to know what other tools work.
Donald Ng
@mjain_mayank @iamgdsa May be a little late but I've built a free and lightweight alternative to Google Optimize that is only 17KB, check it out at mida.so :)
Jason Andries
We actually have an A/B testing feature in our tool: https://www.taglayer.com We'll be launching on PH with an updated version/forever free version at the end of March approximately :)
Christian Canlubo πŸš€
Great article on A/B testing! Experimentation is such an important part of improving website and product performance and A/B testing is a powerful tool in this regard. There are a number of excellent tools available for conducting A/B tests, such as Google Optimize, Optimizely, and VWO, to name a few. When it comes to best practices, it's important to clearly define your goals and hypotheses before beginning a test, to ensure that you're testing the right things. Additionally, it's important to run tests on a significant sample size in order to get statistically significant results, and to ensure that any changes you make to the website or product are isolated and don't interfere with each other. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights and tips on A/B testing. I can't wait to try them out!
Vijaya Kumar Channalli
Although I haven't tried this but looks promising, open-source feature Flags and A/B Tests https://www.growthbook.io/
Split testing, no sweat! A/B testing is crucial for optimizing your website or product and making data-driven decisions. Here are some top tools to help you get the job done: 1. Google Optimize - a free and user-friendly tool that integrates with Google Analytics 2. Optimizely - a popular paid tool with a wide range of features 3. VWO - offers A/B, multivariate, and split URL testing And don't forget, it's not just about the tools, it's also about the approach. Make sure to start with clear hypothesis, test one thing at a time, and have a significant sample size. Happy testing! πŸ”πŸ’»πŸš€
Hattie Sizemore
I use crazyegg on my websites, and it works great.
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
@hattiesizemore Was CrazyEgg the first tool you decided on or did you try other tools before that? Looking to explore some conversion optimization tools myself.
Carmen Mccarthy
Google Optimize is a feature of the Google Marketing Platform that provides tools to enhance your website and build segmented, personalized experiences for your visitors. the backrooms