what are the best online courses for learning to make apps as a beginner?

7 replies
Hello PH Community! I'm truly fascinated by the time and efforts developers put in to share their beautiful, useful and feature-rich apps with us. I would love to dabble a bit in that sphere too, and would truly appreciate any advice about where I can learn more about the app-development and coding process, thanks a bunch!


Abdul Qadir
You can start with the Google Android certification - https://grow.google/androiddev/
@qadir5000 that's very useful starting point, thanks for sharing!
Justin Hopkins
For iOS app development, I highly recommend Angela Yu's iOS course on Udemy. I had some prior iOS experience, but that course did a really good job at further explaining concepts in approachable ways.
@justin_hopkins udemy would definitely be very resourceful for this I assume, thanks for sharing!
Tatiana Kukova, PhD
https://teamtreehouse.com (founded by Ryan Carson). You can also listen to #100 Days Of Code Motivation Podcast by Treehouse. If interested, Kevin Rose interviewed Ryan Carson in 2011 about Treehouse (a wonderful interview).
@kukova_tatiana those videos seem really helpful, thanks for sharing!
Brett B
Read a book about whatever language you want to learn. Start a project, and everytime you get stuck go to Stackoverflow.