What are remote-work tools you can't live without?

Xavier Coiffard
8 replies


Joanna Kurylo
Notion for organization. Slack for Communication. Notion for task organization. Notion for notes. Notion for bookmarking websites. Notion for documents. Notion for databases. Do you see a trend here? 😂
Ken Verhaegen
Slack for general communications, and Toggl Track (It just be like that..)
Nadir Arda Oral
Definitely Trello. It helps me remember the tasks I need to do, see the updates about the tasks, and sort my tasks. If it weren't for Trello, I probably wouldn't have thought of many tasks 🥶
Simona Stamatovska
Most of them are already mentioned. I can only add Microsoft To Do and Sticky Notes. Love the simplicity!
TMetric for time tracking, Jira for task and project management, Slack for communication, and Spotify for stress-free work :)
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