Twitter followers or Product Hunt community?

Geetanjali Shrivastava
5 replies
It's become important for founders to build a community around them, and be known for their ideas, values...and product. What do you think is better for building personal branding before a product launch? What did you do / are you doing before your product's public launch?


im growing my twitter and ph audience also we are growing beta users community, first audience involved in the product
Roberto Morais
I am reading a lot about communities right now. I liked the first couple of chapter of Sahil Lavingia, Minimalist entrepreneur. His suggestion is to find the communities where your customers are, join them and contribute. With time you will be know as a trustworthy helpful person and naturally people will become interested in what you have to say. One thing of note, I believe this only works if you are really interested in the community.
Geetanjali Shrivastava
@robertomorais I see the point, but does that also help in building your personal brand as an entrepreneur?
Roberto Morais
@geetanjalishrivastava Well, I think it does. You will be building it first in a smaller community maybe (discord, slack, reddit channel, here) and them (or in parallel) you can be talking about what you are building in public (twitter, blog, etc) but the second one takes more time and I think it has less priority then finding the first hundred paying customers. But is is more a channel for you to talk to people who will want to hear.
Launching soon!
I believe both works great. For me, Product Hunt might be a better idea, but it is even great if anyone can work on both platforms.