Twinr is live on ProductHunt πŸš€ Please support us

Karan Parmar
21 replies Looking forward to your support πŸ™πŸ»


Love it, we need more tech like this! Upvoted πŸ™‚ @twinr_team How does Twinr compare to Ionic?
Karan Parmar
@metinu Thank you :-) It's completely different. Twinr is No Code App Builder that can be used by any non coder, and it promotes single source code for website, Android & iOS app. You just have to maintain your website and Android & iOS apps reuses that. For Twinr, website is a must while for Ionic that's not the case.
Hossein Yazdi
Congrats on your launch! Already supported! ⭐
Congratulations! This looks so useful, your website is really well done. I saw you have a lot of blog posts and resources, how long did it take you to build Twinr to what it is today?
Karan Parmar
@calli_fuchigami We are active since January 2021. Gradually leaning and getting better day by day :-)
Jocelyn To
Great product! Upvoted!
Navreen D
Congratulation to the team! Loved the website and the blogs! Upvoted!