This is Bogdan and I'm launching xTiles next Tuesday.

Bohdan Romaniuk
15 replies
Next Tuesday is a big day for our project. Of course, it is impossible to predict what result awaits us. But we have done a lot of work, and I am happy to share fresh ideas and features that we used before the launch! Fingers crossed, and hopefully, I'll have something to share after launch!


Andrey Tabunshchik
Upvoted! This day is coming!🚀
Launching soon!
All the best with your launch. I will be happy to support you. Just keep me updated.
Bohdan Romaniuk
@qudsia_ali thanks for your friendly interest! Will do :)
Marin Smiljanic
Awesome, looking forward to seeing it! Any more info you can give on xTiles?
Bohdan Romaniuk
@marin_smiljanic Oh sure! xTiles is a visual tool for organizing your ideas. Just watch the short video :)
Rich Watson
good luck with the launch!
ammara mehd ghani
Is there a way I can subscribe to your landing page? All support to you guys Bohdan and best of luck.