The current state of AI models is like Plato’s cave allegory...

ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
4 replies
for example, large language models like GPT are trained on text downloaded from the Internet, this text is like the reflection on the wall in the allegory, they don’t see the real world, they see a reflection of it in terms of the mediator that we created called language. What happens when an AI sees the world as it really is? 😉


Gurkaran Singh
Imagine an AI seeing the world as it truly is... we might need to prepare it for existential crises and the eternal question of whether cats really do control the internet! 🤖🌎 #AIWoah
Konrad S.
That's a good allegory for this indeed! Freeing AI from it's cave may well lead to a singularity.
ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
@konrad_sx True, do you think we would need to overhaul data collection to get to this point?