The best weekday for product launch: Does It Matter?

Artem Konovalov 💎
18 replies
I'm exploring whether choosing a specific day of the week for launching a product on ProductHunt significantly impacts its success. While I've noticed products achieving top 3 status with 500+ votes on various days, I'm curious if there's a deeper correlation between the launch day and the product's performance. Another aspect worth discussing is the effect of the launch day on website traffic and actual app installs, if applicable. Does the day of the week when we launch influence these metrics?

What are your thoughts and experiences in this regard?


From what I am reading, others say Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s are the high traffic days. However, the aim is to get on the email list of product hunt from my understanding. Which now I’m curious, anyone know if say you launch on Thursday, if you’re make the email list, does that email go out next day? I’m also trying to figure out best day to launch for my product
Carol Moh
@slimmy82 yep it goes out the day after you launch in the newsletter and the top 10 are listed as “yesterday’s top products” - if you are lucky you’ll be featured as the product highlight. Which is basically “editor’s choice” so you could be ranked 7th (like Pika) and still end up with a whole section about you.
Anna Jack
The best weekday for your product launch may depend on your target audience and their typical online behavior. For instance, if your target audience is primarily business professionals, launching on a Tuesday or Wednesday may be more effective, as they are more likely to be checking emails and engaging with work-related content during those days.
Artem Konovalov 💎
@anna_jack1 I'll respond the same as above :) Yeah, we're thinking of Tuesday since it's.. not Monday when you're getting back to work from the weekend and not Thursday when it's the last day before Friday where is the weekend again soon 😁
Aristo Coutinho
While the weekday of your product launch may have some impact on its success, it's not the most critical factor. More important aspects include the quality of your product, the effectiveness of your marketing strategy, and the overall timing of your launch.
Arlie Rutherford
The best weekday for your product launch may depend on your target audience and their typical online behavior. For instance, if your target audience is primarily business professionals, launching on a Tuesday or Wednesday may be more effective, as they are more likely to be checking emails and engaging with work-related content during those days.
Artem Konovalov 💎
@arlie_rutherford Yeah, we're thinking of Tuesday since it's.. not Monday when you're getting back to work from the weekend and not Thursday when it's the last day before Friday where is the weekend again soon 😁
Annie Chopra
I think that it really depends! I would say that tuesday is a high activity day, and so are most weekdays- so if you have a big community support + famous hunter a weekday makes sense. However, if you are low on resources and simply want a platform for your product- there is less competition over the weekend. I often think that our product couldve hit a much higher spot if launched on the weekend!
Carol Moh
I would say depends on your focus: Weekday for feedback (higher competition but higher engagement) Weekend for ranking (lower competition but less engagement) A lot of community kinda associate PH with work so it’s like clock in and clock out over the weekend to keep their streak but not necessarily going to be in work mode and give feedback/ask questions.
Alexander Dolton
Tuesday or Wednesday: For a business audience, Tuesday or Wednesday might be optimal. People are typically back in their work routine and focused on business tasks during these days, making them more receptive to product announcements related to their work.
Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
Analyze Online Activity: Analyze your target audience's online activity patterns to determine when they are most engaged. If they are more active on social media on certain days, consider launching on those days.
Artem Konovalov 💎
@jasparcj makes sense! since we're building a product that people potentially will use during the working days, it makes sense to launch it, shall we say.. Tuesday
I've heard quite a mix of things. Some people have reached #1 and got a ton of traffic but no paying users -- I think a lot of it depends on your product and if it fits the makeup of the product hunt community
Interesting exploration! I've seen remarkable launches on different days too. I think the choice might depend on your audience and the nature of your product.