Tell us about a product that you got to know recently and are excited about

Martina Hackbartt
5 replies
Hey, hunters! Hope you are creating a great week so far ✨ What's a product you found recently and you're excited about? I'm now trying out flowace to track and watch my time doing tasks, and I also came across AlDente to take care of my Macbook's battery life. I'm also obsessed with Shottr to take hi-quality screenshots. What about you? Would love to get to know some new products you like!


Andrew James Bagby
Really been loving Asana this year for project management
Tanya Kapoor
Hi @martina_hackbartt Currently, I am using Outgrow's Quiz Maker Tool to create interactive quizzes. It is amazing. You should also give it a try!
Tetiana Nikolaieva
@martina_hackbartt Hello to all hunters! Has anyone heard anything about Yaware TimeTracker? I think it's time to get to know each other better. P.S. It is a program to improve productivity