Share your project URL, and let the world know what are you working on!

Vlad Zivkovic
37 replies
Happy Monday Product Hunters! I am working on scaling the number of teams in my network of preassembled teams of freelancers soon to be launched on Product Hunt! Share your project URL and let's help each other with advices.


Aria Nygård
I'm working on AINIRO The platform lets you crawl your website/any files and "train" ChatGPT to become an expert on your business/whatever else you want. Can be used for customer service, lead generation etc etc
Aria Nygård
@vladimir_zivkovic Thank you! We've worked very hard on it, and we're still constantly working on quality and new features :)
I'm Working on WriteMe https://writeme.aiAn ai writing assistant for bloggers and copywriters.
Vlad Zivkovic
@writeme_ai1 Awesome product! I will definitely try it out!
I'm working on Hoku, an AI health app
Vlad Zivkovic
@kkavita Good idea and nice website, I am big on healthy lifestyle so let me know once you go live so I can support you!
@vladimir_zivkovic Will do! We will launch on PH probably when we are live so keep an eye out :)
Aria Nygård
@kkavita that looks awesome, let me know once you go live!
Kate Irova
We build an email marketing platform and just a few days ago, we added AI to the email template editor: Also, we launch just today: I would appreciate your feedback 👀
Togi Kavukcija
working on HireDev https://hiredev-reference.bubble... to enable OpenAI on recruiting
Vlad Zivkovic
@togitoon This is nice! There is no pricing?
Togi Kavukcija
@vladimir_zivkovic It's not offered for paid use yet, it's an MVP to present the idea and get feedback. V2 will have pricing
Prerana Chakraborty
Hi, I am currently working on Sivi, a generative design tool which generates a variety of designs using the same content , following brand guidelines within 2 minutes.
Vlad Zivkovic
@prerana_chakraborty That's a beautiful website and nice product! I am waiting for your launch.
Prerana Chakraborty
@vladimir_zivkovic yeah we are launching soon, and open to any kind of feedback :)
Marina Guastavino
Hello! I am working on a Travel Chrome Extension to get better accomodation deals: Directo > It looks for direct links while you browse sites such as airbnb and booking, saving you the hassle of searching for the same property. Completely free for users.
Marina Guastavino
@vladimir_zivkovic great! It's still in beta, have to add some features....but If you want to check it out and give me your feedback, that would be great!
Vlad Zivkovic
@m_guastavino I travel a lot this seems very interesting.
Luka Dimitrijević
Creating bootstrapped News & Media Company in the Technology niche:
Vlad Zivkovic
@lule29 Luka the legend! Keep up the good work! ChatGPT + Image generation & Upscaling on iOS and Android :)
Vlad Zivkovic
@rawoyemi Good idea for iOS and Android, super nice website!
@vladimir_zivkovic Thanks Vlad, I appreciate the kind words!
Nicola Alessi
we have launched Clicmon today - the smartest way to buy and sell online while doing good for the environment. Link:
Dan Tegzes
Hello makers and builders! I'm working on, a website that brainstorms ideas for new youtube videos based on your current uploads. It's my first full-stack AI product that I share openly, and I'm extremly open to feedback! Any thought crosses your mind when visiting the site, just let me know! It's immensely appreciated
Vlad Zivkovic
@dan_tegzes Good landing page, short and easy to understand.
Iya Mendoza
I am working on, a go-to platform for startups and small businesses who want to create their own logo design and brand kits in 5 minutes or less! turns your text into visual content instantly. Using artificial intelligence, you can auto-generate editable banners, social posts, google display ads, and more from your story, webpage, article, etc.
Nick Naumov
Hi everyone, I'm Nick and I'm building an AI landing page generator: We help you build your landing page in 30 seconds with a simple input form instead of spending hours in web builders
Vlad Zivkovic
@nikita_naumov Great product, I just tried it out, works very well!
Nick Naumov
@vladimir_zivkovic thanks for your feedback, appreciate it :)
Sona J
Hello Hunters and Makers! I'm Sona, working on Sivi AI. We are launching Sivi soon on PH I also author E-Commerce UX Design. Just launched it today.
Michael Cho
I was collecting notes and photos of places I wanted to travel to - and it turned into this little hobby :)
I'm Working on GhostCut GhostCut can complete video translation dubbing, hard subtitle translation and video subtitle removal with one click, helping creators, merchants, and MCNs with localized video marketing.