Product Hunt for investor search. Fact or fiction?

Philipp Jackson
4 replies
Have you come across any inspiring tales of successful investments made through Product Hunt? Or perhaps you have experienced raising capital through this platform yourself? Just curious, if it's necessary to include investor-specific information on Product Hunt page and establish investor relations here?


Paul Mit
Fact. We received aprox 10 requests from VC and angels after all releases.
Jake B (Launched 11.20)
@mituhin that’s really awesome to hear. I think you bootstrapped, but did you consider any?
Jake B (Launched 11.20)
@mituhin wow, that’s great Paul. Was that all from your recent launch?
Paul Mit
@chtrbx_ai the recent Aaply launch brought 4 requests (if I remember right). 10-12 is aprox number of all vc talks after launches we made.