Possible to preview Product Pages before launch?

Nick Martin
4 replies
I'm working on putting together our product page for our PH launch and would love to preview it. I haven't been able to find a way to preview so I assume this isn't possible. Asking here to make sure, thanks!


Nick Martin
I just Googled this (should have done that first!) and found: https://previewhunt.com/ I am a little amazed though that there is no native preview in Product Hunt? Any particular reason for that?
Nick Martin
@richw I played around with it today, and was surprised I could only create the preview once and not edit it after. Seems strange no? Also I think the layout has since changed?
Angeli Zhao
@nicholasjohnmartin Cool! Thanks so much. I can tell it'll be a great help for the launch of our product coming soon.