Pleased to meet everyone!

Standard Nerd
106 replies
Hey, PHers. Shaking hands 🤝 with fellow makers/founders/hunters who are going to launch soon. Best wishes to all! ✨


Dan from Avarup
Hey there Standard Nerd 😁 We just launced the reviews management platform Avarup Be glad of any support!
Saif Ullah Khalid
Hey Nerd! pleased to meet you too.
@saif_ullah_khalid Hi Saif, would love your support and feedback on Insight7. We just launched (
Farah Alaa
@gloria_ayanbimpe followed and supported! :)
Christin Koehler
I'm honored to be in your company.
@nickanisimov Hey Nick 👋 We just launched Insight7 2.0, would love to know your thoughts on it. Please support pur launch here ( Thanks
Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you🤝 We are excited to announce the launch of YourGPT AI Bot for Crisp! We would be extremely grateful to all PH Hunters if you could support us today by helping us secure a strong position on Product Hunt.
Nice to meet you too
@pothamram Heyy We just launched Inisght7 2.0 and would love to know what you think about it ( Please support us here. Thanks
Allison Ly
@pothamram Notified! We launch tomorrow, love to have your support! (
Hadi Farnoud
Hey there! I'm Hadi Farnoud, and I'm all about revolutionizing the way we do business. As the co-founder of Kamva (, I'm passionate about empowering businesses to thrive online with our end-to-end store builder platform. I'm also the founder of Pakat (, offering a powerful email and SMS marketing solution with automation. But that's not all! As the co-founder of Silk Road Startup (, I'm bridging the gap between Iran's startup scene and the global community. And now, as the CEO at Retime, I'm leading the way in crafting an AI-powered meeting assistant to optimize your meetings.
Standard Nerd
@hadifarnoud Great to learn about your vision. All the best mate!
@hadifarnoud @nerding_io Hey Hadi and Nerd, all the best in your future launches. Could you throw in some suppport for us here too ( Thanks
Allison Ly
@hadifarnoud Notified! We launch tomorrow, love to have your support! (
Elena Tsemirava
Hey! Welcome on board!
Standard Nerd
@elenat Thanks for the warm welcome.
Christopher Payne
Hi! Nice to meet you too! Are you launching soon?
Standard Nerd
@reach_chris Yes I am launching on Saturday.
@pawel_soproniuk Hi Pawel, do you mind checking out our launch and giving some support? (
Pawel Soproniuk
@gloria_ayanbimpe no at all! Upvoted - product seems like great fit for my product on the way, will definitely try it!
@pawel_soproniuk Sounds amazing! Thank you Pawel. Please feel free to reach out to me