PH Newbies - What's been your experience so far?

David Gradon
11 replies
As a relative newcomer to Product Hunt, I wanted to reach out to any fellow newbies in the community to ask about your experiences on the platform. I've spoken to a fair few others now who've said they’ve found it difficult to build a network from scratch and get noticed. Seems like the general consensus is that given common practices and the algorithm, it does feel like the platform tends to favour long-term users, as opposed those new to it. And so I thought it would be useful to create a way for newbies to connect, get help, share ideas and support each other in our launches to help make it a bit easier. That's why a few of us have now set up a WhatsApp group for all of us newbies to connect. Would love to have you join us if you’re new and maybe at some stage soon, we can all have a virtual coffee too! Also would be great to start building a few other channels, and so if you'd like to setup one on Telegram, Discord, please drop a comment below or send me a message on LinkedIn/Twitter :)


Pratham Nandha
The community is very supportive
@prathamnandha thank you, that's great to hear. I am finding that so far - and lots of really credentialed product gurus, which really helps.
Giannis Kiokpas
hey there @david_gradon! very thoughtful of you to start such a post! We had our launch yesterday, it was my first time arranging things! And I must say it was an exciting experience! But as you say, fellow newbies find it hard to build a network, I have started some discussions with zero engagement! :) Is the set up only on WhatsApp? Any slack or linkedin group as well?
David Gradon
@ikiok yeah building a network is often the biggest tip people have. Yet sadly the upvoting system makes it a lot harder for newbies’ discussion posts to be seen and so even more challenging to connect and build a network when you’re new ☹️ So @antony_a has actually set up a slack channel too in the last few days, if you’re keen on that?
Hi @david_gradon I wonder whether taking newbies off platform approach defeats the purpose somewhat. I am a two week newbie and I feel your frustration, but I also see the platform is designed to reward consistency and loyalty on platform. I will never forget putting my 11 year old on a bus at the begging of secondary school. She was about to walk into a school of 1500 kids as one of just a handful of non-white kids having been in a village primary school of 100 kids. I wanted so much to help her succeed, but there was nothing I could do. She just had to figure it out. Seven years later she was Prom Queen and the most revered young adult in the school. That it is how my own child taught me to take time, surround yourself with the right people, work hard, and build networks. (@natalia_smith is also a newbie roving around Product Hunt somewhere!) What makes Product Hunt attractive is that it is a qualified and credentialed community that has build trust over time. I wish I could flip a switch for my Conversa product launch on 20th April - truly I do - but it seems its just about patience and consistency. Nothing comes easy, as they say! Good luck. You won't be a newbie for long!
David Gradon
@stephen_smith67 I appreciate your perspective on this and can see what you mean. I do like that the platform rewards loyalty but at the same time, I would hope that it would offer a level playing field. I also think building connections is so important for retaining members and to help build a genuine sense of community, and that’s hard when the site offers no direct messaging function and can offer very low visibility to anyone new to it. Ideally, I’d loved to have built a group chat on the platform itself but that’s not possible. Above all, I see the group as not working against the platform, but creating a space where people can build more genuine connections that can help it.
@david_gradon all good points. Just shows my newbieness! 🤪
Expanding my network with people I'm interested, so amazing!!
Peyt Spencer Dewar
Lots of insightful people to learn from!