New to product hunt

Nikolas Dimitroulakis
5 replies
Hi there! I am Nikolas, new to the community. As i am preparing for my first launch in a month or so, i wanted to ask this to (primarily) founders and makers. Do you think the global recession makes it a good setting to launch a start up? I have heard two sides : that it actually helps (good talent available) or that it doesnt matter at all :) I guess the timing can never be too perfect but it can very well be very bad. :)


Marko Balažic
There is always a need for good products 😎 Is your product good?
Nikolas Dimitroulakis
@markobalazic our product will be helping developers and teams build their apps faster. So i guess we are going for "useful" instead of simply good :)
Marko Balažic
@nikolas_dimitroulakis Cool, seems like I am your target audience. Send me a link once you launch.
Rich Watson
Depends what the concept is perhaps. Welcome to PH
It has nothing to do with the recession, as long as your product is good enough. Launching a startup is not the biggest challenge but maintenance is. Always be open to ppls opinions, iterate, and persevere! And you can nail it! Welcome to the community :)