Moonly weekly progress update #58 - key features of Automatio

Stefan Smiljkovic
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Some key features of Automatio include: - Extraction and storage of various forms of data from any web page - Paginate function for extracting data from different web pages of the same website - Automatic keyword detection and monitoring capabilities - Solving Captcha prompts without assistance - Ad-blocking functionality - Automatic page screenshot functionality - And Much More Moonly weekly developers progress: - Fixed the issues with the custom notification - Finished adding the domain and path parameter - Fixing issues on Karamendos - Tested Karamendos WL Form application - Finished the KDOS WL application by restoring all Twitter functionality - Implementing video creation progress bar - KDOS-WL video generation progress is sent from the worker && stored in the DB - Testing and fixing WL_FLOW bugs - Removed unused pages for wl management Holder Verification Bot (HVB): - Integrated Discord role checker queue to listen to jobs from the wallet checker - Set a custom environment concurrency, allowing us to check users as much as we want per second - Finished the backend part and moved on to the frontend - Restructured the query and mutation in a new folder structure - Split some queries and mutations for flexible use - Removed unnecessary components and pages in the first stage - Included “create setting” feature to create verification setting - Tested member events and fixed some issues - Moved Discord bot-related codes to another service - Included Multi-selection option for selection moderator roles - Made setting save mutation workable Raffle Feature and Twitter Space Giveaway: - Prevented raffle update and prize change when it starts - Added auth for “Buy” ticket - Fixed Oauth2 system issue of both Wallet & Twitter - Fixed holding requirement checker in the backend for selecting eligible winners for the giveaway - Modified backend codes based on changes of any type for empty collection - Modified backend codes for different data format - Fixed front-end issues - Refactored code due to a lot of changes happening in the backend - Fixed Oauth2 minor issue on Twitter Oauth linking - Created Global State for Raffle Program and ability to initialize global state - Trigger Raffle Draw from the backend and improved Time Sync - Claim the Reward Button by connecting to the raffle endpoint Upcoming NFT collections: Minted projects worth mentioning:
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