Live on ProductHunt, competing next to a $6,000,000 startup. Any advice on how to win?

Max Prilutskiy
1 reply
hi all, so we’re currently on ProductHunt (today, September 12th), competing next to a startup that raised $6,000,000. we’re currently #2. BUT but we’re just two people who went working on their own stuff full-time, doing everything ourselves, bootstapping our app from zero. currently between $1K - $1.5K MRR btw. what should we do to win today? any advice?


Relja Denic
Promote on: 1. Linkedin posts from your profiles and company page 2. Twitter the same 3. Linkedin outreach, outreach to people who you think have a PH profile and can help 4. Be active here as much as possible 5. Promote on other communities 6. Share with friends :)