Launching Tomorrow: Last minute tips?

Winston Zin
7 replies
We'll be launching our first project tomorrow. Fingers crossed! Any final last minute tips to help us make the best of our PH launch? Thanks and happy holidays!


Ali Gordon
@winstonzin be sure to reach out to everyone in your network to remind them to support on the day :). I took a look at your landing page and have some feedback on the messaging. Consider reflecting on why people work out and redraft the messaging with that in mind. What you have currently is good: Maximize your fitness efficiency with AI Coach. But I think you can ask one more 'Why' to get to the real benefit. Why should people want to improve their workout efficiency? They want to improve their bodies in less time, they want results sooner. So how about: Get the results you want sooner with an AI fitness coach Also consider switching 'Fitness coach' to Personal Trainer. Hopefully that's helpful and best of luck with the launch!
Winston Zin
@al_gordon wow! Amazing! You must be an expert in marketing! Your analysis is really good. I’ll send some of those over to the marketing for discussions.
Mateo Ezequiel
I think that in this instance is very important to share it on your social media Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter…
Steven Granata
Congratulations on your upcoming launch! Here are some last-minute tips: 1. **Double-Check Everything:** Verify that all elements are in place, from your website or app to any promotional materials. 2. **Test User Experience:** Ensure a smooth user experience by testing your product or service from the perspective of your target audience. 3. **Prepare for Feedback:** Anticipate user feedback and have a plan in place to gather, analyze, and respond to it. 4. **Social Media Plan:** Have a social media strategy ready. Schedule posts, engage with your audience, and create buzz around your launch. 5. **Email Outreach:** If applicable, send out emails to your existing user base or subscribers to inform them about the launch and any special offers. 6. **Press Release:** Prepare a press release to share with relevant media outlets. This can help increase visibility. 7. **Monitor Analytics:** Set up analytics tools to track user engagement, website traffic, and other relevant metrics. 8. **Customer Support:** Be ready to address any customer inquiries promptly. Excellent customer support is crucial during a launch. 9. **Collaborate with Influencers:** If possible, leverage influencers or industry experts to promote your launch. 10. **Celebrate:** Take a moment to celebrate your hard work. Launching is a significant achievement! Best of luck with your launch!
Ronan Hardy
Triple-check your launch materials, engage your network for support, schedule social media posts, and stay responsive to feedback. Good luck with your launch! 🚀🌟