Launch post-mortem - research or leap-of-faith? And what comes next?

Dow Osage
1 reply
How much and what kind of research did you do (if any) pre-launch? How long was the 'tail' post-launch as measured by whatever metric you find valuable? Was it more than you expected? Less? Any surprises (good, bad, or just 'did not see that coming')? I'm curious to learn how PH impacts the companies - marketing team, support, etc - as they move through and past their launch.


Dow Osage
We expected a launch spike in terms of web traffic for instance, but the effect has been much more long-lasting. Which leads one to wonder - on the marketing side - how to maximize on that. I suppose you'd need to have done multiple launches to foresee that or be a hunter. But now that we do have that hindsight, I wanted to see what others have done.