Last 1 hour before Product Hunt Launch Ends!

Kartike Bansal
28 replies
Hello everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the amazing love and support you've shown me so far. I'm so grateful for your encouragement and kind words. We're now in the final hour of our launch. I'm asking for your support for one last time. If you can, please support us:


Supported! Hope you had a great launch!
Great product! Upvoted! congrats on the launch
Oleg Eltsov
You have my vote!
Nick Anisimov
Upvoted yesterday, Kartike. Best of luck.
Corey Wilkinson
Supported. Hope your launch was a huge success
Oleksandr Bulavin
Hi Kartike, congratulations! We also launched PocketGuard today to help people always know where their money goes. Any support is appreciated!
Congrats on your launch! Supported! We Just launched today and would love your support too!