Just got a 100 streak!!!

Alec Nguyen
51 replies


Paul Richardson
This shows that gamification works! It's underutilised in most websites.
Sophia Solanki
Thank amazing! PH is addictive :) I just found out. It's a super gamified platform with a purpose - love it! Congratulations Alec!
Pam K.
Congratulations Alec. Celebrating something you can control like streaks just seems so much better than celebrating something like number of followers.
Neel Patel
Lost mine. On my way though! Make sure we all help each other :)
Vivek Sharma
Congratulations Alec!
Aaron Kong
Congrats! I’m on my way there!
Relja Denic
Congrats! Go for 200 now.
Julia Suontama
Milestone! 🔥 This place is sometimes more addictive than TikTok haha! :)
Agnieszka Rybij
Congratulations!! Me over here celebrating 20 😂
André J
Launching soon!
Good luck. may the odds be in your favour ⚔️