Is it painful to find images from your image repository?

Kaushik Mukherjee
9 replies
For campaigns, emailers, cataloguing or creating that year end card?


Pierson Marks
I think AI tools will help this! We just launched Tool Explorer ( that you could ask "What are the best search tools" and it will give you a list of tools to help!
Kaushik Mukherjee
@piersonmarks interesting. given this will be personal image repositories simple search algos should suffice isnโ€™t it ? Btw will take a look at your launch ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Steven Granata
The ease of finding images in a repository depends on the organization, tagging, and search capabilities of the repository. If it's well-organized with proper tags and search features, it should be relatively easy. However, a poorly organized repository can make it more time-consuming and potentially frustrating.
Oh, it is a pain the neck!
Kaushik Mukherjee
@bahar_ozkan haha yeah, I have sometimes given up sending a post, or switching to something else because it gets so hard!
Iqra Arif
No, Image retrieval is efficient based on trained data, but challenges like accuracy and context understanding may arise.
Kaushik Mukherjee
@iqra_arif how much of this is because the trained data is inaccurate versus it being an intent determination problem?