Is creating content through AI good?

I know, I know... Artificial intelligence is a huge topic since the end of 2022 and probably will be part of our lives in the future. Anyway, is it a good thing to create texts, images, etc through AI (all the time)? In my opinion, we should remain creative – find solutions to various problems, train our brain, and create something new, because AI is powered by things that have been created so far (it is like a repeating of repeated – what is also the case of the human being world, but we are forced to use our brain). AI can help us in many ways (it can at least speed up the process, but we should not rely on it completely). *I do not want our population to end up like in the movie Idiocracy.* πŸ˜ƒ Let's discuss this. What are your thoughts?


Thomas Boulesteix
AI is a great tool and can help you find inspiration, but it might not be the best idea to rely too much on them as you said. It still has to be used mindfully :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@thomas_boulesteix I hope that we will not succumb to it completely. Since when I use a calculator, I am lazy to count. And then I'm already forgetting the basics of mathematics. This can happen to our kids when they rely too much on technology. Lol.
Oleksandr Koreniuk
Hi! I love how ai moving on, investing a lot of time into developing AI products. However as a tech geek, I would like to put that current ai programs cannot cope with a deep context, and elaborate on it, at least on the level of the average human. For example, if you will tell AI about your room in every detail, it would hallucinate on further queries because it is not memorizing a complex hierarchy of terms (yet), so all of its output is purely reactional to β€œflat” input. In other words, AI right now is a big bug brain on steroids, so you should double-check everything about its output. AGI on other hand will solve this problem a bit so you would have a great trainee level digital professional with you, hovewer it seems scientific community still working on that, no beta released yet
Business Marketing with Nika
@oleksandr_koreniuk Do you think that the model can be brought to perfection?
Oleksandr Koreniuk
@busmark_w_nika no its not possible by current state of AI tech. AGI , if it would be researched and released, would be perfect because presumably it would work with constraints and rules, contrary to statistical probability of current models.
Mirena Vasileva
I think AI is a great tool that helps us save enormous amount of time generating ideas. We still need to then use our creativity to make those ideas *even better* but it helps to get you started. I have even asked ChatGPT to pretend to be me and find ways out of situations - it will help and give you ideas, but doesn't know anyone's full context and therefore has limited capabilities. My advice: use it to save time, but don't rely on it and let it stifle your own, endless human creativity and personal experience that a robot can never replicate :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@mirena_vasileva this is a great point. It calmed me down. Thanks! 😁
Craig Goodwin
I think it is great as a starting point, particularly when you have writers block etc. It needs to be edited and personalised though
Business Marketing with Nika
@mrcraiggoodwin I think that we are near to the humanization of AI. Chat GPT-4 has a really convincing tone of voice according to users' prompts. Now it is very difficult to differentiate if it was written by a human being. Progress is so fast.
Shubham Pratap Singh
I am not a content creator so sometimes I rely on AI for good contents :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@shubham_pratap And are your consumers of content satisfied with the results? :-)
Shubham Pratap Singh
May be consumers are satisfied @busmark_w_nika , but still I don't think it can compare our real content writers. AI is based on fact , data and training but our writers write with emotion. Emotion is the biggest difference here :)
Ahmed M. Hussien
i think when it comes to more creative or emotional content like marketing copy or storytelling, human touch and creativity are still very much needed. when you do tap into your creativity, the possibilities are endless. You can create something new, something that has never been seen before. You can inspire others, solve problems, and make a difference in the world. ai will make a good creator great but it won't make a bad one good
Business Marketing with Nika
@a_hussein What content do you like more? That one that was created by a human being or by the AI? Are you capable distinguish between those 2? I am a little bit scared that most people "settle for AI" and will not be motivated to create on their own.
Ahmed M. Hussien
@busmark_w_nika i think it depends let's say i'm watching a movie I want that movie to be something artistic something creative something a human has put his effort into and you actually can see that effort but if that movie was a documentary yk ai would probably be more accurate, and if you truly care you'll neve settle , every phone got a camera now but a lot of people still go and buy the professional ones . ai is great but it will never replace the human brain
I think that AI can give us great amount of ideas and pointers but it still needs a touch of human creativity for finished product :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@sandradjajic Do you think that the human race will rely on AI? Because, honestly, people tend to use the easiest way to something done (which is OK, when they want to save time), but it has a tendency for too much comfort. 😁
Adithya Narayanan
Yeah, I think the whole game is about 'thoughtful co-creation with AI'. Any argument on either end of the spectrum of the AI vs human content might lack nuance. AI (like the internet and most technology) can be used to amplify or hinder creativity. Comes down to the leadership of start-up founders building in this space to build platforms that use generative AI to enhance creativity, not hinder it :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@adithya_narayanan1 Co-creation seems the best possible scenario. There are many scenarios, the most probable, we will be controlling AI... but, will we be educated enough to know answers better than AI (probably not).
Richard Gao
AI content is just content. It all depends on your prompting. Good content is good content regardless if it's AI generated or not.
Business Marketing with Nika
@richard_gao2 I think that people should be led to think critically because when we relied on AI completely, we wouldn't be motivated to create something, to oppose and defend our opinion (or opinion that AI has generated for us).
AI can't help you achieve the thought leader badge in your industry, but it surely helps your awareness-related content.
Business Marketing with Nika
@antony_a I know, we are witnesses of this revolution but what about the younger generation that will be forced to rely on facts/opinions/ideas that AI will offer them? Will our children and grandchildren be capable of critical thinking?
Maya A
I think its a great starting point or a great way to flesh out ideas!!
Ayush Agrawal
It's just making the process a lot faster IMO.
He can help us expand our thinking and not be limited.
Taking help, Yes! But creating the entire content, NO!
Business Marketing with Nika
@arpan_011 I have the same opinion. It can help in many ways, but I do not prefer to use it completely for everything. I want to think.
@busmark_w_nika Exactly! Creating all the content through AI kills all your creativity!
Sakshi Gahlawat
Creating content through AI can be beneficial in certain situations, but whether it is "good" or not depends on various factors.
Neha Khan
In my opinion, you cannot be a good blogger simply by creating blog content with AI tools. These tools are prone to bias and monotony in writing, and thus lack creative insight. If we look at it objectively, the use of AI as a support in the curation of quality content is a plus point. Putting everything on AI to do for you, on the other hand, leads to unethical practises and inaccuracies in the information, misguiding the reader and spreading a false narrative.
Business Marketing with Nika
@neha_khan78 When I'm thinking about that, there is one group of people who will be needed – journalists and researchers – people, who will serve us news and explorations. Somebody who delivers the latest things.
Kulsoom Awan
In my opinion, AI will kill the creativity of people, as they'll start relying on AI more and more. Sure, AI can help us in many ways, making our tasks easier and saving time, but we as human beings should not be directly depended on AI tools.
Business Marketing with Nika
@kulsoom_awan maybe one day with our laziness we will mentally reach prehistoric times, who knows? 😁
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Are you asking this from a content creator point of view? Or as in SEO or articles?? Answers might vary
Business Marketing with Nika
@tunc_emran I mean generally. If we rely on AI too much we could tend to be lazy to think about certain things. (or think creatively, critically)
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@busmark_w_nika i agree. A lot of people will have that. I try to imagine the usage as how Tony Stark uses Jarvis or Friday. It should be able to enhance you.
Business Marketing with Nika
@tunc_emran Iron Man scenario sounds pretty good. :-D
Vlad Zivkovic
I don't think Ai will progress much from where it is now, we are very limited with the hardware on which Ai is running. So we will definitely stay creative as a species for another decade or so... 😁
Vlad Zivkovic
@busmark_w_nika The biggest problem I can imagine is the leading companies who don't know the limit and don't care about Ai ethics because all they care is market share and they won't really stop the wrongful Ai development as long as they can beat the competition. So I won't be surprised if we end up in the era of the Ai trying to dominate the world or at least internet networks... πŸ˜…
Business Marketing with Nika
@vladimir_zivkovic It would be a very scary scenario if AI and robots would emerge into one. 😁