If you could learn anything in 1 day, what would it be?

Sveta Bay
28 replies
Language, skill, any field 👀


Nicole Chaplin
How to stop worrying forever, how to speak Swahili and how to do gymnastics
Davor Kolenc
Coding on a higher level. Full stack.
Oh my goodness🤯🤯🤯 There are so many things I'd love to learn! Okay, it would be French, then coding (maybe JavaScript to start with), then playing guitar, then public speaking ...
Grace Bulman
I would learn how to speak as many languages as I could. Right now I only speak English and I have a hard time learning new languages. I would love to be able to communicate with anyone around the world.
Gabe Moronta
Languages. I feel learning a new language helps provide a doorway into other cultures, which alone brings about new skillsets that you might've been closed off to.
Vitaliy K
I would like to learn how to successfully launch products on Product Hunt
I would really like to learn how to create websites. At least with the help of templates. But my profession is so far away from that that for now it's just a dream.
Zack Bruce
Primitive survival skills 🤘
How to speak a new language If we are talking saas, it would be SEO.
David J. Kim
How general we talking about here? If so, making something people want
Isaac Yeo
I would like to learn a language - Japanese specifically!
Jasper Ruijs
I would learn the skill to master something within a day or perfect persuasion, so I can convince other to help me build my dreams.
Some coding maybe.