If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

JD Worcester
15 replies
Who’s on your ultimate dinner guest list and what’s on the menu?


Gurkaran Singh
Oh, dining with Leonardo da Vinci would be a masterpiece! Just imagine the stimulating conversations over a menu as diverse as his talents – from flying machines to fine art, we'd have a feast for both the mind and the palate!
JD Worcester
@thestarkster @mplebl That would be sick! Maybe in Florance?
Sarah Mooney
Marie Antoinette. Not sure why, but growing up all of my assignments were revolved around her.
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
@sarahthemarketer had a lot of assignment around her as well!
JD Worcester
@sarahthemarketer would ya'll eat cake? lmao
Emily Willis
Oh I LOVE this question! Mahatma Gandhi comes to mind immediately. I'd love to speak with him and hear his stories & life philosophies. I'd ask Gandhi for his list of favourite foods & have it all prepared locally in Southern India where he's from. I love the food from his region. I've met the Grandson of a friend of his. Also if I can be greedy and have two historical-figure dinner guests, I'd love to hang with Cleopatra & hear about all her inspiring inventions & natural remedies, many of which were lost through wars/fires etc, but also hear her perspective on life.
JD Worcester
@emily_willis1 That would be super interesting! I would have a whole different set of questions for him lol
Business Marketing with Nika
I think it would be C. Jung (he had a positive angle of view regarding psychology but talking with Freud would be interesting as well – but he was a little bit pessimistic – and if we met, it would be very depressive). 😀 OR I would like to speak with some great minds from the movie industry—directors like Hitchcock.
JD Worcester
@busmark_w_nika What about all of them together at one dinner? 👀
Business Marketing with Nika
@jd_worcester okay, that would be interesting, probably will be out of convo as they were more proficient :D
Sanja Micic
I choose Shakespeare. His inspiration and love for writing are beautiful. ❤️