If you could build any AI product like playing with Lego bricks, what would it be?

1 reply
Remember how fun it was to build castles with Lego bricks? Building AI workflows can be just as fun and easy. You can piece together different AI tools to create something incredible. Here's your playground — https://www.scade.pro/ So what would you create with these AI Lego bricks? And here's our thriving AI Hub community if you want to learn and grow with enthusiasts, developers, and innovators who love exploring the possibilities of AI: LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/newslet...


Gregory Karfo
I would definitely build myself a personal assistant! That would be so nice , if it could truly understand and anticipate my needs. Imagine a personal assistant that not only manages your schedule and to-do lists but also knows you well enough to predict what you’ll need before even you do. This assistant would learn your preferences, your routines, and even your moods, adapting its suggestions and reminders accordingly.